While the Games will remain in the Cleveland/Akron area, the bidding organization, Cleveland Synergy Foundation, has lost the license to host the games. This is not a surprise, as we have been reporting on this move for almost a month. From the Federation of Gay Games:

The Federation of Gay Games ended its relationship with Cleveland Synergy Foundation (CSF), effective 6 July 2010. The FGG remains committed to the host city of Cleveland, and the State of Ohio to host Gay Games IX in 2014. Cleveland city officials and a delegation of regional organizers and supporters will accept the flag of the Federation of Gay Games in Cologne, Germany on 7 August 2010 at the closing ceremony from the city officials of Cologne, Germany.

While the Games will remain in the Cleveland/Akron area, the bidding organization, Cleveland Synergy Foundation, has lost the license to host the games. This is not a surprise, as we have been reporting on this move for almost a month. From the Federation of Gay Games:

The Federation of Gay Games ended its relationship with Cleveland Synergy Foundation (CSF), effective 6 July 2010. The FGG remains committed to the host city of Cleveland, and the State of Ohio to host Gay Games IX in 2014. Cleveland city officials and a delegation of regional organizers and supporters will accept the flag of the Federation of Gay Games in Cologne, Germany on 7 August 2010 at the closing ceremony from the city officials of Cologne, Germany.

“The FGG, cooperating with its Cleveland partners, continues to work hard to ensure that planning for the 2014 Cleveland Gay Games progresses at a satisfactory pace.”

This is not necessarily a bad thing. As one FGG board member told us yesterday, and as we’ve said for years, the bidding process and hosting process are two very different tasks and take two very different skill sets. It makes sense that they would be performed by two very different groups. Now hopefully a group of gay men and women can come forward and host the games in conjunction with the City of Cleveland.

Read more about Gay Games VIII on our dedicated blog for the event.