Brady Quinn couldn’t win the quarterback job of the then-terrible Cleveland Browns, and he can’t break out of the No. 3 spot for the now-terrible Denver Broncos. Even if he is a terrible NFL quarterback, he makes up for it being such a great bf. He took a plane immediately following the Broncos game on Sunday to be with his girlfriend, gymnast Alicia Sacramone, for a surgery. She tweeted:

Best boyfriend award goes to @BQ9 for taking the red eye from Denver to be here for my surgery today…just another reason why I love him

Brady Quinn couldn’t win the quarterback job of the then-terrible Cleveland Browns, and he can’t break out of the No. 3 spot for the now-terrible Denver Broncos. Even if he is a terrible NFL quarterback, he makes up for it being such a great bf. He took a plane immediately following the Broncos game on Sunday to be with his girlfriend, gymnast Alicia Sacramone, for a surgery. She tweeted:

Best boyfriend award goes to @BQ9 for taking the red eye from Denver to be here for my surgery today…just another reason why I love him


That awesome bf is now following his new starting QB Tim Tebow and tweeting Bible verses. This one came Sunday just before he tweeted he was hoping for snow for Sunday's game…

James 2:24 (NIV) You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.

I wonder if he'll soon be tweeting verses about premarital sex…