Sean Chapin, the San Francisco resident who helped get the baseball Giants to make an It Gets Better video in June, has now started a petition to get the 49ers to become the first NFL team to do the same.
Chapin has garnered 6,068 signatures on an online petition asking the team to lend its support in the fight against teen bullying. He has also created a video that shows he is a true fan of the team, referencing many moments of their glory years.
Sean Chapin, the San Francisco resident who helped get the baseball Giants to make an It Gets Better video in June, has now started a petition to get the 49ers to become the first NFL team to do the same.
Chapin has garnered 6,068 signatures on an online petition asking the team to lend its support in the fight against teen bullying. He has also created a video that shows he is a true fan of the team, referencing many moments of their glory years.
So far, about one-fourth of Major League Baseball teams have done videos, and it would be terrific if the NFL followed suit. The 49ers, whose former running back Dave Kopay was the first openly gay NFL player, would be a logical first start