We have featured Brenner Green before, a college runner in Connecticut who did a great It Gets Better video and also wrote about his coming out experiences. He has a great idea for his senior honors thesis and needs the help of other athletes. I’ll let him explain:

Hi, my name is Brenner Green and I am a senior undergraduate student at Connecticut College majoring in Psychology. I am writing to tell you about a study that I am conducting for my senior honors thesis.

My research interest is in the friendships between gay and straight high school (and college) male teammates. I am interested in what makes these friendships meaningful and how they may differ from the friendships between two straight-identified male teammates.

We have featured Brenner Green before, a college runner in Connecticut who did a great It Gets Better video and also wrote about his coming out experiences. He has a great idea for his senior honors thesis and needs the help of other athletes. I’ll let him explain:

Hi, my name is Brenner Green and I am a senior undergraduate student at Connecticut College majoring in Psychology. I am writing to tell you about a study that I am conducting for my senior honors thesis.

My research interest is in the friendships between gay and straight high school (and college) male teammates. I am interested in what makes these friendships meaningful and how they may differ from the friendships between two straight-identified male teammates.

My research involves the gay athlete and the straight teammate in each friendship pair being interviewed separately about their friendships (approximately a one-hour interview via Skype or in-person).

If you are under the age of 18 and decide to participate in this study, you will be provided a parental consent form that one of your parents must sign in order to obtain consent for the research. Therefore, your parent should recognize that either you are gay or a straight-identified friend of an openly gay teammate (for gay interviewee and straight-identified interviewee, respectively).

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) has approved this research study. If you are interested in learning more about this study, please contact Brenner either via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (860) 451-9853.

Thank you for your consideration.