It seems Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden, Mass., recently hired a new English teacher and crew coach named Kevin Hogan. The local Fox affiliate got a tip that that new teacher also happened to appear in porn. Gay porn. With the terrible porn name of Hytch Cawke. The school has put Hogan on administrative leave after Fox25 aired reporter Mike Beaudet’s ambush of Hogan in a parking lot (video after the jump). There are so many storylines going on here…

Hytch Cawke might be the worst porn name in history. Somewhere Anthony Perkins is rolling in his grave.

It seems Mystic Valley Regional Charter School in Malden, Mass., recently hired a new English teacher and crew coach named Kevin Hogan. The local Fox affiliate got a tip that that new teacher also happened to appear in porn. Gay porn. With the terrible porn name of Hytch Cawke. The school has put Hogan on administrative leave after Fox25 aired reporter Mike Beaudet’s ambush of Hogan in a parking lot (video after the jump). There are so many storylines going on here…

Hytch Cawke might be the worst porn name in history. Somewhere Anthony Perkins is rolling in his grave.

Not only that, but in one of his videos, Cawke pretends to be straight. “Hi I’m Hytch. I just answered an ad and now I’m here to see what it’s like to be with a guy.” Bwahahahahahahaha!!

I actually appreciated that Fox 25 didn't make the story about Hogan doing gay porn. They showed a couple PG-rated porn-flick shots and mentioned the titles of two of his movies, but they didn't use the "gay porn" angle to hype the story, only that it was "porn." Fox isn't known for its sensitive handling of gay issues, but somebody there clearly decided the fact that it was gay porn simply wasn't relevant, and I appreciate that.

Part of me doesn't see what the big deal is anyway. Porn isn't illegal, it isn't bad, and most high school students know what sex is. Hogan is no threat to any of his students. And if my child were one of Hogan's students, I'd use this as a great opportunity to talk to him or her about sex and pornography. These topics are so under-discussed in American households; What a great chance to change that trend.

Most of me thinks Hogan has to be a complete idiot to have gone down this road. Most of American parents think teenagers need to be protected from sex, not confronted with it in English class and in after-school sports. The parents interviewed by Fox all felt this was totally inappropriate. Whether that's right or not is kind of irrelevant because that's reality.

Hogan's biggest mistake: Not telling the school that just hired him in September. When this is floating around the Internet, and one of your movies is carried in a local video store, you are begging to be fired when somebody finds out. Whether it's in sports, politics, or education…the cover-up always makes the "crime" worse. And one of the movies was reportedly just released last year!

And let's be clear about what we're talking about. His three movie titles are: 'Just Gone Gay 8,' 'Fetish World 1,' and…brace yourself…'Ass Fucked by a DILF 2' (in which he is the DILF). When you're a high school teacher and coach and you're shooting pornographic movies like this, either you're begging to be fired…or you're an idiot.

Let me be super clear about this, for those readers with reading comprehension issues. I am not anti-porn. I am not anti-gay. I think we protect teenagers from conversations about sex way too much. But in today's society, reality is that of all the professions you can pull off while shooting porn…teaching is second-to-last and coaching is last.

The school has put Hogan on paid leave. That is a stepping stone to his firing, I'm sure. I can't say he deserves to be fired, but I also can't say he deserves to keep his job. The guy can't be the brightest bulb in the lamp given these missteps. I'd love to see Hogan keep his job, but I'm not holding out hope.

Hytch. Cawke. Bwahahahahahaha!

Public high school teacher starred in porno movies released last year: