When we first met Adam Goddard about a year ago, he was overjoyed to have found the Los Angeles Gay Football League. A student at Long Beach State and attracted to both men and women, he was struggling to find his corner of the LGBT community; As a former high school fullback (“the meanest 130 lb. fullback you’d ever find”), he had yet to find a place for himself. Nonethless, he quickly became a fixture of the gay football league.

Now calling himself 'gay,' Goddard ventured to the NOH8 campaign's third anniversary party last week at the House of Blues on Sunset Blvd., where he was inspired to "activism of my own." The result was this slam poem, titled 'Yes we can but no we haven't,' written by Goddard for a class project on marriage equality. He performed the poem at a Long Beach coffee house.

When we first met Adam Goddard about a year ago, he was overjoyed to have found the Los Angeles Gay Football League. A student at Long Beach State and attracted to both men and women, he was struggling to find his corner of the LGBT community; As a former high school fullback (“the meanest 130 lb. fullback you’d ever find”), he had yet to find a place for himself. Nonethless, he quickly became a fixture of the gay football league.

Now calling himself 'gay,' Goddard ventured to the NOH8 campaign's third anniversary party last week at the House of Blues on Sunset Blvd., where he was inspired to "activism of my own." The result was this slam poem, titled 'Yes we can but no we haven't,' written by Goddard for a class project on marriage equality. He performed the poem at a Long Beach coffee house.

The kid’s got a fantastic message and some mega skeelz…