The NBA’s new collective bargaining agreement adds sexual orientation protection to its non-discrimination, the league has said. According to Michael Bass, NBA Senior Vice President, Marketing Communications:
Non-discrimination language was added into the agreement that protects players from discrimination, including based on sexual orientation.
The NBA’s new collective bargaining agreement adds sexual orientation protection to its non-discrimination, the league has said. According to Michael Bass, NBA Senior Vice President, Marketing Communications:
Non-discrimination language was added into the agreement that protects players from discrimination, including based on sexual orientation.
The NBA joins the NFL, NHL, Major League Baseball and Major League Soccer in having such policies. This is important since its protects any player from being discriminated against (such as being cut) because he is gay. Major props to Rafael McDonnell of the gay advocacy group Resource Center Dallas for keeping me abreast of this. McDonnell has been a tireless advocate in pushing these policies in pro sports by writing letters to both union and league representatives.