Men’s NCAA gymnastics will take another hit next year when the University of California at Berkeley eliminates the sport. As it is, only a dozen NCAA teams exist, thanks in large part to the implementation of Title IX. Cal is axing men’s gymnastics (but keeping women’s gymnastics) as a cost-cutting measure; their men’s baseball team is also being cut. It’s a shame that a program that brought us Graham Ackerman is being eliminated, but with the pressures from a slumping economy and Title IX, an NCAA void of men’s gymnastics is the world we live in.

Men’s NCAA gymnastics will take another hit next year when the University of California at Berkeley eliminates the sport. As it is, only a dozen NCAA teams exist, thanks in large part to the implementation of Title IX. Cal is axing men’s gymnastics (but keeping women’s gymnastics) as a cost-cutting measure; their men’s baseball team is also being cut. It’s a shame that a program that brought us Graham Ackerman is being eliminated, but with the pressures from a slumping economy and Title IX, an NCAA void of men’s gymnastics is the world we live in.