We have a great article from transguy triathlete Chris Mosier, who talks about once being an MVP in women’s sports to being a middle-of-the-pack dude in men’s triathlon. Trans issues in sports are getting increased visibility, and Chris is the latest example.

Plus, he is on a mission to land a coveted sponsorship with training system TRX; And you can help simply by viewing the promotional video he made (after the jump).

We have a great article from transguy triathlete Chris Mosier, who talks about once being an MVP in women’s sports to being a middle-of-the-pack dude in men’s triathlon. Trans issues in sports are getting increased visibility, and Chris is the latest example.

Plus, he is on a mission to land a coveted sponsorship with training system TRX; And you can help simply by viewing the promotional video he made (after the jump).