A couple fun stories from Canada today about thriving gay-sports leagues. The first profiles the Toronto Gay Football League, which has grown from five members to five teams in just two years. The group’s headed by Ken Scott, who’s been pushing for a gay football group in Toronto for years, so it’s great to see he’s finally got it! There’s also a brief mention of the Gay Curling championships in the Toronto Sun; The event is later this month. Most Americans only see curling once every four years at the Olympics, but it seems to be a popular TV sport when it’s on. I wonder why it doesn’t catch on more in the U.S.

A couple fun stories from Canada today about thriving gay-sports leagues. The first profiles the Toronto Gay Football League, which has grown from five members to five teams in just two years. The group’s headed by Ken Scott, who’s been pushing for a gay football group in Toronto for years, so it’s great to see he’s finally got it! There’s also a brief mention of the Gay Curling championships in the Toronto Sun; The event is later this month. Most Americans only see curling once every four years at the Olympics, but it seems to be a popular TV sport when it’s on. I wonder why it doesn’t catch on more in the U.S.