On the same day Kobe Bryant’s gay epithet hit the airwaves, two NBA players were cutting a PSA for GLSEN. Phoenix Suns Grant Hill and Jared Dudley filmed the spot for GLSEN and the NBA’s “Think Before You Speak” campaign (the irony of Kobe’s comment is rich). ABC15 caught up with Hill at the PSA shoot; This is the kind of guy I can cheer for:
“I think back to when I was a kid,” Hill smiled. “And if an NBA athlete or an NFL athlete or someone I looked up to and admired told me something was not cool then I’m going to pay attention.”
On the same day Kobe Bryant’s gay epithet hit the airwaves, two NBA players were cutting a PSA for GLSEN. Phoenix Suns Grant Hill and Jared Dudley filmed the spot for GLSEN and the NBA’s “Think Before You Speak” campaign (the irony of Kobe’s comment is rich). ABC15 caught up with Hill at the PSA shoot; This is the kind of guy I can cheer for:
“I think back to when I was a kid,” Hill smiled. “And if an NBA athlete or an NFL athlete or someone I looked up to and admired told me something was not cool then I’m going to pay attention.”
“As athletes, as role models, whatever you want to call us, we’re in a position to do something better,” Hill said. “And to preach that message to our youth and to our adults, because let’s be honest there are adults out there who use this kind of language who don’t know or aren’t aware they’re being offensive.”
Can’t wait to see that PSA!