An interesting column over at Guyism about the use of “faggot” in the sports world. On the one hand writer Kevin Arnold says everyone knows the word is homophobic, and on the other hand he points out that its constant usage diminishes the word’s attachment to gays.

There’s a strange way that the preponderance of the F word in sports actually takes the bite out of it. Used as often as it is and in the way that it is actually diminishes, to some degree, the F word’s homophobic value and meaning. The more times you hear it, the less offensive and the less personal it starts to sound. Even if it would be foolish to suggest that this somehow makes athletes into poster boys for gay rights, maybe there is something to this.

An interesting column over at Guyism about the use of “faggot” in the sports world. On the one hand writer Kevin Arnold says everyone knows the word is homophobic, and on the other hand he points out that its constant usage diminishes the word’s attachment to gays.

There’s a strange way that the preponderance of the F word in sports actually takes the bite out of it. Used as often as it is and in the way that it is actually diminishes, to some degree, the F word’s homophobic value and meaning. The more times you hear it, the less offensive and the less personal it starts to sound. Even if it would be foolish to suggest that this somehow makes athletes into poster boys for gay rights, maybe there is something to this.

It’s an interesting series of observations. Check out the column.