Kye Allums, the first transgender Div. 1 college athlete whose story Outsports broke last November, has decided to not play on the women’s basketball team his senior season. While we can’t discuss specifics, we know this decision has been coming for a while. Having known Kye now for over a year, I know there were lots of aspects to this decision, and it wasn’t an easy one for him to make. The school has put a gag order on Kye since last year. While his mother has certainly been helpful in navigating Kye’s story over the last few months, I look forward to some day finally telling Kye’s story of his first season as a guy when college is behind him.

Kye suffered concussions this past season with in part led to this decision. Thankfully Kye is set to be enrolled next year with a hopeful graduation date of December 2011.

Kye Allums, the first transgender Div. 1 college athlete whose story Outsports broke last November, has decided to not play on the women’s basketball team his senior season. While we can’t discuss specifics, we know this decision has been coming for a while. Having known Kye now for over a year, I know there were lots of aspects to this decision, and it wasn’t an easy one for him to make. The school has put a gag order on Kye since last year. While his mother has certainly been helpful in navigating Kye’s story over the last few months, I look forward to some day finally telling Kye’s story of his first season as a guy when college is behind him.

Kye suffered concussions this past season with in part led to this decision. Thankfully Kye is set to be enrolled next year with a hopeful graduation date of December 2011.

This weekend Kye will be in San Francisco to accept the National Center for Lesbian Rights’ Spirit Award at their 2011 Anniversary Celebration. I’ll be in San Francisco for the event, and I can’t wait to finally meet him.