Two-time NBA League MVP Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns is the latest professional athlete to lend his support to marriage equality (video after the jump).

Hi, I'm Steve Nash. I spend my summers in New York, and I love playing at the Garden. A growing number of professional athletes are speaking out in support of gay and lesbian couples getting married. I'm proud to be one of them. Join me and the super majority of New Yorkers who support marriage equality.

Two-time NBA League MVP Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns is the latest professional athlete to lend his support to marriage equality (video after the jump).

Hi, I'm Steve Nash. I spend my summers in New York, and I love playing at the Garden. A growing number of professional athletes are speaking out in support of gay and lesbian couples getting married. I'm proud to be one of them. Join me and the super majority of New Yorkers who support marriage equality.

Last week Nash voiced his support of his team president, Rick Welts, coming out of the closet.