Green Bay Packer superstar Clay Matthews will serve as the honorary chair of AIDS Walk Wisconsin. The event is Oct. 1. Matthews released a lengthy statement on passion for the cause and his role with the event:

I’m proud to take a stand and fight back against the AIDS epidemic. There are too many lives at stake for any of us to ignore the damage and the heartache that HIV has brought to millions of people from all walks of life, including myself.

Green Bay Packer superstar Clay Matthews will serve as the honorary chair of AIDS Walk Wisconsin. The event is Oct. 1. Matthews released a lengthy statement on passion for the cause and his role with the event:

I’m proud to take a stand and fight back against the AIDS epidemic. There are too many lives at stake for any of us to ignore the damage and the heartache that HIV has brought to millions of people from all walks of life, including myself.

I am excited to do whatever I can to raise AIDS awareness so that the number of new HIV cases are reduced and make sure that people living with HIV get the health care they need.

I especially want to urge the young men and women of my generation to join me in this commitment by registering, raising pledges and turning out in great numbers for AIDS Walk Wisconsin.

As long as there’s an NFL season, the Packers host the Denver Broncos on Oct. 2, the day after the AIDS Walk.

You can follow AIDS Walk Wisconsin on Facebook.

Hat tip to Garth Z.