Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson is the latest pro athlete to drop the F-bomb. He appeared on a cooky radio show on Eminem’s Sirius XM channel and snapped back at a caller saying he’s a “gay-ass faggot” (listen to the audio after the jump). I listen to Sirius XM all the time, and Howard Stern doesn’t even let his guests get away with using that word.

This one's worse than Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah. This time, Jackson directly linked the word "faggot" to being gay. While Bryant and Noah could conceivably hide behind the "it's just a school-yard taunt" excuse, Jackson has nowhere to hide. He knew "faggot" was an anti-gay epithet and that's exactly how he used it.

Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson is the latest pro athlete to drop the F-bomb. He appeared on a cooky radio show on Eminem’s Sirius XM channel and snapped back at a caller saying he’s a “gay-ass faggot” (listen to the audio after the jump). I listen to Sirius XM all the time, and Howard Stern doesn’t even let his guests get away with using that word.

This one's worse than Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah. This time, Jackson directly linked the word "faggot" to being gay. While Bryant and Noah could conceivably hide behind the "it's just a school-yard taunt" excuse, Jackson has nowhere to hide. He knew "faggot" was an anti-gay epithet and that's exactly how he used it.

Now we’ll find out what the going rate for calling someone a “faggot” is in the NFL. Depending on how much money you make, the NBA fines players $50k-$100k, as we saw with Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah this spring. Noah made $3.1 million in salary last year; This year Jackson is slated to make a paltry half-mill. Maybe a fine equal to a tenth of his salary will wake up this ‘dumb-ass jerk.’

As the story was breaking Friday afternoon, Jackson took to Twitter to prove he can't spell or punctuate and complain that people are trying to tear him down.

No, you self-absorbed dumbass. We're trying to tear down hatred. You're just in the way.

Hat tip to via Deadspin.