You can’t get anything past Outsports reader Texas DayTripper. He was watching the Seattle Seahawks-San Francisco 49ers game today and saw something that made him stand up and take notice.

Seattle long snapper Clint Gresham wasn't feeling all that comfortable and just had to do a reach in, grab and adjust. We've all been there, but we all haven't had Texas Daytripper there to record the moment:

You can’t get anything past Outsports reader Texas DayTripper. He was watching the Seattle Seahawks-San Francisco 49ers game today and saw something that made him stand up and take notice.

Seattle long snapper Clint Gresham wasn’t feeling all that comfortable and just had to do a reach in, grab and adjust. We’ve all been there, but we all haven’t had Texas Daytripper there to record the moment:

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