There’s a fantastic 5-minute video interview of Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo from Dhani Jones and SB Nation. In their “In The Zone” series, Ayanbadejo talks about several issues, including the importance of physical education in schools:

All those sports collectively made me what I was as a football player, you know? Gymnastics gave me a lot of strength. Wrestling made me an exceptional tackler. Baseball did absolutely nothing for me.

There’s a fantastic 5-minute video interview of Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo from Dhani Jones and SB Nation. In their “In The Zone” series, Ayanbadejo talks about several issues, including the importance of physical education in schools:

All those sports collectively made me what I was as a football player, you know? Gymnastics gave me a lot of strength. Wrestling made me an exceptional tackler. Baseball did absolutely nothing for me.

He also talks about his passion for same-sex marriage rights. I won’t ruin it here, but here’s one great takeaway of his personal perspective on the issue:

Go back to the Sixties with my parents, I wouldn't even be here if things stayed the way they were in the Sixties with interracial marriage and whatnot. It's all along the same lines, it's a civil rights issue, it's a human rights issue. It's not gay rights, it's just equal rights.

Watch the whole video below. You'll be glad you did.