Dave Kopay, the first NFL player to come out publicly as gay, is featured in the latest Buick Human Highlight Reel, which shows sports people who have made a difference. A one-minute spot was aired Saturday on ESPN and the full three-minute version is below.
The spot was filmed in Kopay's home in the Eagle Rock section of Los Angeles and features some great footage of him running the ball for the University of Washington in the early 1960s. Kopay played nine seasons and came out in 1975 after retiring from the Washington Redskins. His autobiography continues to inspire LGBT people nearly 40 years later.
Dave Kopay, the first NFL player to come out publicly as gay, is featured in the latest Buick Human Highlight Reel, which shows sports people who have made a difference. A one-minute spot was aired Saturday on ESPN and the full three-minute version is below.
The spot was filmed in Kopay’s home in the Eagle Rock section of Los Angeles and features some great footage of him running the ball for the University of Washington in the early 1960s. Kopay played nine seasons and came out in 1975 after retiring from the Washington Redskins. His autobiography continues to inspire LGBT people nearly 40 years later.
The Buick spot (they also did a segment last year on Hudson Taylor) features Kopay's endowment of the Q Center at the University of Washington, showing his legacy will continue. I am proud to call Dave my friend.