MMA fighter Dakota Cochrane, who will be featured in The Ultimate Fighter 15 on TV March 9, has been identified as gay porn actor “Danny” from the popular porn site, Sean Cody (that’s him on the right in the photo, taken from where there are lots of much more revealing photos). We’ve long said that MMA is essentially gay porn for straight guys, so it’s not really news that one of them may have actually done GAY! PORN!

UFC is hardly the most gay-friendly place to be, but Dana White has said he wants gay fighters to come out. Still, we don't know what Cochrane's sexual orientation is. While straight MMA sites might be saying Cochrane's been "outed," there are plenty of straight guys who are "gay for pay" (and Sean Cody claims that most of their porn actors are straight).

MMA fighter Dakota Cochrane, who will be featured in The Ultimate Fighter 15 on TV March 9, has been identified as gay porn actor “Danny” from the popular porn site, Sean Cody (that’s him on the right in the photo, taken from where there are lots of much more revealing photos). We’ve long said that MMA is essentially gay porn for straight guys, so it’s not really news that one of them may have actually done GAY! PORN!

UFC is hardly the most gay-friendly place to be, but Dana White has said he wants gay fighters to come out. Still, we don't know what Cochrane's sexual orientation is. While straight MMA sites might be saying Cochrane's been "outed," there are plenty of straight guys who are "gay for pay" (and Sean Cody claims that most of their porn actors are straight).

By the way, we’re always wary of pinning someone down on this, but there’s no question it’s him. He has a distinct tattoo on his left shoulder that matches images from porn stills of “Danny” and MMA shots of Cochrane.

Complicating this whole story is the nature of The Ultimate Fighter 15 show. The format is Big Brother-type, with everyone living in a house together. We've found blogs and discussion boards dating back to last September that talk about Cochrane's gay-porn past. It's hard to believe the TUF show didn't know about it when they cast the show; It's entirely possible they cast him because of his porn days. Now he'll be living in a house with 31 other guys and shooting live TV!

If Cochrane is gay, hopefully he'll use this opportunity to come out publicly. While it may be embarrassing, there's nothing wrong with starring in porn. And after perusing the porn site, there's no getting around it: He was STARRING in GAY PORN.

To see the goods, Sean Cody charges about $30/month. Where's my credit card…