Vancouver and soon London have both hosted a Pride House at the last two Olympic Games as a beacon for gay fans and athletes. A gay-rights group in Russia had hoped to host a similar locale in Sochi at the 2014 Winter Olympics. Last year they were banned from doing so by the Russian Ministry of Justice, and this week a judge has upheld the Ministry’s decision. According to RIA Novosti:

The Sochi court said that Pride House's goals “undermine public morals and are at odds with national policy on the family, motherhood and children.” …

Pride House, the Sochi court said, advocates a non-traditional sexual orientation that could spark social strife and lead to a decrease in the country’s already low birth rate, thereby “undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.”

Vancouver and soon London have both hosted a Pride House at the last two Olympic Games as a beacon for gay fans and athletes. A gay-rights group in Russia had hoped to host a similar locale in Sochi at the 2014 Winter Olympics. Last year they were banned from doing so by the Russian Ministry of Justice, and this week a judge has upheld the Ministry’s decision. According to RIA Novosti:

The Sochi court said that Pride House's goals “undermine public morals and are at odds with national policy on the family, motherhood and children.” …

Pride House, the Sochi court said, advocates a non-traditional sexual orientation that could spark social strife and lead to a decrease in the country’s already low birth rate, thereby “undermining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.”