In March, Nebraska assistant football coach Ron Brown drove 60 miles to another city to pressure their city council against protecting gay people from discrimination in the workplace. He failed. Now his own city of Lincoln is considering a similar ordinance that would make it illegal to fire someone from being gay. Batten down the hatches – if he’ll drive 60 miles to use his position as a Nebraska football coach to preach for discrimination, he’ll drive down the street in his own backyard to do the same.

Councilman Carl Eskridge supports the bill and plans to introduce it today, with a hearing on May 7 and a vote on May 14. You can read more from Fox42, Omaha World-Herald and the Lincoln JournalStar.

In March, Nebraska assistant football coach Ron Brown drove 60 miles to another city to pressure their city council against protecting gay people from discrimination in the workplace. He failed. Now his own city of Lincoln is considering a similar ordinance that would make it illegal to fire someone from being gay. Batten down the hatches – if he’ll drive 60 miles to use his position as a Nebraska football coach to preach for discrimination, he’ll drive down the street in his own backyard to do the same.

Councilman Carl Eskridge supports the bill and plans to introduce it today, with a hearing on May 7 and a vote on May 14. You can read more from Fox42, Omaha World-Herald and the Lincoln JournalStar.

Outlinc, which is pushing the ordinance, has gotten ahead of Ron Brown’s hate-filled preaching by lining up faith leaders from the area who actually follow the non-judgmental words of Jesus Christ. The Lincoln clergy said in a statement:

As people of faith, we affirm inclusion of all people, and we celebrate the diversity with which God created our world and all living things. LGBT people are children of God and are entitled to equal protection in the eyes of the law. In the workplace people should be judged by their performance, not their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Imagine that: Men and women of the clergy in Lincoln are more interested in protecting gay people from discrimination than the Chancellor and athletic director of the university. Tells you a lot about both groups.

You can sign a petition asking the University of Nebraska to remove Ron Brown as a football coach for violating the school's non-discrimination policy.

Hat tip to Towleroad.