Photo: Joe Nicholson-US PRESSWIRE

The people have spoken. Outsports readers picked American gymnast as the 2012 King of the Hardwood, emblematic of the hottest athlete. He beat out defending champion Eric Decker in the finals at the end of a 64-man tournament. Contest organizer Mariner Duck Guy (who does an amazing job putting this together every year) wrote this on our Discussion Board:

In the closest Championship Match ever, the winner of King of the Hardwood VIII:

Jake Dalton 50.4%
Eric Decker 49.6%

Photos of the new champ:

Photo: Joe Nicholson-US PRESSWIRE

The people have spoken. Outsports readers picked American gymnast as the 2012 King of the Hardwood, emblematic of the hottest athlete. He beat out defending champion Eric Decker in the finals at the end of a 64-man tournament. Contest organizer Mariner Duck Guy (who does an amazing job putting this together every year) wrote this on our Discussion Board:

In the closest Championship Match ever, the winner of King of the Hardwood VIII:

Jake Dalton 50.4%
Eric Decker 49.6%

Photos of the new champ: