I always thought Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe was one of the coolest guys in sports (he’s funny and engaging and smart). I’m more convinced after he did a radio spot for Minnesotans for Equality against a ballot initiative this fall that would write marriage discrimination into the state’s constitution.

"I did a radio ad for Minnesotans for Equality," he wrote on his popular Twitter account. "Feel free to mock my nasally voice."

Here is the text of the ad:

I always thought Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe was one of the coolest guys in sports (he’s funny and engaging and smart). I’m more convinced after he did a radio spot for Minnesotans for Equality against a ballot initiative this fall that would write marriage discrimination into the state’s constitution.

"I did a radio ad for Minnesotans for Equality," he wrote on his popular Twitter account. "Feel free to mock my nasally voice."

Here is the text of the ad:

Hi, this is punter Chris Kluwe. This November, I will make my wife, children and friends extremely proud by speaking out against the marriage discrimination amendment.

This change to our constitution teaches our children that the love between certain groups of people is less worthy of recognition than the rest.

Our children need our love and guidance. Together we can show them that our state stands up for equality for all loving and committed relationships.

I am proud to be a Minnesota football player who is saying no to this extreme change. Vote no to the marriage discrimination amendment. It's the right thing to do for our children and our future.

I love how Kluwe mentions children several times, since gay marriage opponents are always claiming they are against it "for the children." Bravo to Kluwe — may he lead the league in punts inside the 20 this year.