Amar’e Stoudemire (Photo: Steve Mitchell-US PRESSWIRE)

Amar'e Stoudemire of the New York Knicks apologized after getting into it with a Twitter follower and calling him a "fag" in a direct message.

The fan, who was riding Stoudemire for his play, accepted the apology. It's another sign that athletes seem to ignore the need to think twice before they tweet.

Here are the two messages Stoudemire sent to fan B Forreal! (who has 284 followers):

Amar’e Stoudemire (Photo: Steve Mitchell-US PRESSWIRE)

Amar'e Stoudemire of the New York Knicks apologized after getting into it with a Twitter follower and calling him a "fag" in a direct message.

The fan, who was riding Stoudemire for his play, accepted the apology. It's another sign that athletes seem to ignore the need to think twice before they tweet.

Here are the two messages Stoudemire sent to fan B Forreal! (who has 284 followers):

What set Stoudemire off, according to Deadspin, was this rather inane tweet from B Forreal: "you better come back a lot stronger and quicker to make up for this past season mannnnnn deadasss!!!"

Stoudemire's apology seems sincere but people need to stop using gay slurs, when there are tons of neutral epithets out there. Let's hope he learned his lesson and will think twice before reacting.