New York Knicks forward Amare Stoudemire could be paying a price for calling a fan (@BFerrelli) a “fag” on Twitter last week. An NBA spokesman reportedly told Newsday that he’s sure the matter will be reviewed by the League.

In the last five years, the NBA has shown little tolerance for hateful homophobia. They ended their relationship with Tim Hardaway when he said, "I hate gay people." Last year they fined Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah $100k and $50k respectively for calling someone a "faggot."

New York Knicks forward Amare Stoudemire could be paying a price for calling a fan (@BFerrelli) a “fag” on Twitter last week. An NBA spokesman reportedly told Newsday that he’s sure the matter will be reviewed by the League.

In the last five years, the NBA has shown little tolerance for hateful homophobia. They ended their relationship with Tim Hardaway when he said, "I hate gay people." Last year they fined Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah $100k and $50k respectively for calling someone a "faggot."

So what’s the price if you call someone a “fag” via Twitter? We’re about to find out.