UEFA's Patrick Glasser, senior manager of football and social responsibility, attended a pride reception at Euro 2012 in Ukraine. Euro 2012 is the year's most-high-profile soccer event. The pride celebration was hosted by British activist Claire Dimyon. According to Gay Star News, Glasser told the soccer fans in attendance:
I am here to confirm our commitment to oppose all forms of discrimination, all homophobia and all racism. I am delighted to participate in the special celebration of pride.
UEFA's Patrick Glasser, senior manager of football and social responsibility, attended a pride reception at Euro 2012 in Ukraine. Euro 2012 is the year's most-high-profile soccer event. The pride celebration was hosted by British activist Claire Dimyon. According to Gay Star News, Glasser told the soccer fans in attendance:
I am here to confirm our commitment to oppose all forms of discrimination, all homophobia and all racism. I am delighted to participate in the special celebration of pride.
Possibly the only place in Europe more homophobic than soccer is Russia, Ukraine and the other former Soviet states. The first-ever Gay Pride in Kiev was canceled last month because of threats of physical violence from opponents.