New Jersey Devils enforcer Cam Janssen this week unleashed a John-Rocker-esque string of remarks offending gays, women, and everyone living in Los Angeles. Unlike Rocker, however, Janssen has issued a heartfelt, sincere apology and has pledged to support inclusion.

Janssen was appearing on Internet-based The Thom and Jeff Show when the conversation turned a little ugly…

Janssen: “There’s some shit-talkin’ that goes down that pisses some people off. There’s a lot of personal shit, man, like, guys know personal shit. … You wanna get in people’s heads to get them off their fuckin’ game and don’t get me wrong, you don’t wanna go too deep with shit because we all have our issues here. Let’s be honest.”

New Jersey Devils enforcer Cam Janssen this week unleashed a John-Rocker-esque string of remarks offending gays, women, and everyone living in Los Angeles. Unlike Rocker, however, Janssen has issued a heartfelt, sincere apology and has pledged to support inclusion.

Janssen was appearing on Internet-based The Thom and Jeff Show when the conversation turned a little ugly…

Janssen: “There’s some shit-talkin’ that goes down that pisses some people off. There’s a lot of personal shit, man, like, guys know personal shit. … You wanna get in people’s heads to get them off their fuckin’ game and don’t get me wrong, you don’t wanna go too deep with shit because we all have our issues here. Let’s be honest.”

Host: “But if the guy was suckin’ cck four weeks ago, you’re gonna let him know about it?”

Janssen: “Oh, if he’s suckin’ cock, he’s gettin’ his ass kicked.” [laughter]

Janssen went on to dis the city of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Kings’ Stanley Cup victory, saying that Angelenos are “weirdos” and are “on a different planet.” He also said the Kings were lucky because they didn’t have to play any tough teams headed into the Finals (the Kings beat the top three seeds in the West), as opposed to the Devils’ supposedly brutal schedule. Then he made this comment about the team that beat him in the Stanley Cup Finals:

Janssen: “Damn fat broads. They’re the fat broads that you regret bangin’, and I’ve been there and done that.”

In Janssen’s defense, he was led into both the homophobic and sexist comments. The hosts seemed to egg him on to say what he said, placing the “cocksucker” and “fat broads” language in front of him before Janssen repeated it. Janssen’s biggest mistake was simply booking the interview, as the Thom and Jeff Show bill themselves as “uncensored and unapologetic,” and their Web site has a prominent photo of a man flipping his middle finger to the reader.

Janssen issued what certainly seems to be a sincere, heartfelt apology:

Earlier this week, I participated in an internet-based radio show in which I used some poor judgment which I now regret. The New Jersey Devils were unaware of this interview, which I arranged myself.

I would like to apologize for my poor choice of language. The tone of the interview was very casual and off-color, and I lost focus on what is and is not acceptable and professional. I am deeply sorry to anyone who was offended by my language. Moving forward, I hope to eliminate that type of language from my vocabulary. I would also like to take this chance to express my support for the work the You Can Play project is doing, and for the gay community in general.

I apologize for the embarrassment my comments have caused to the New Jersey Devils management, as well as my teammates.

The You Can Play project, as you may know, was started this year and has been building an environment of inclusion in the NHL. We look forward to seeing Janssen’s vocal support of YCP in the coming months. Very good things can come out of this….

PHOTO: New Jersey Devils right wing Cam Janssen (25) from the bench against the Buffalo Sabres at the First Niagara Center. Mandatory Credit: Timothy T. Ludwig-US PRESSWIRE