Australian swimmer Matt Targett is seriously built and he knows it. On his Twitter page, the former Auburn Tiger swimmer posted a picture of himself channeling his inner Hugh Jackman as Wolverine from “X-Men.” Wrote Targett:

How much trouble will I get in for posing with guns?

This is a reference to fellow Aussie swimmers Kenrick Monk and Nick D'Arcy getting in trouble for posing with guns at a U.S. gun shop on Facebook. The two will be allowed to swim their events, but then the Australian Olympic Committee has ordered them both home when they are finished.

Australian swimmer Matt Targett is seriously built and he knows it. On his Twitter page, the former Auburn Tiger swimmer posted a picture of himself channeling his inner Hugh Jackman as Wolverine from “X-Men.” Wrote Targett:

How much trouble will I get in for posing with guns?

This is a reference to fellow Aussie swimmers Kenrick Monk and Nick D’Arcy getting in trouble for posing with guns at a U.S. gun shop on Facebook. The two will be allowed to swim their events, but then the Australian Olympic Committee has ordered them both home when they are finished.

Targett is a member of the Australian 4×100-meter freestyle relay team and he posed a photo session Down Under with Getty Images photographer Mark Dadswell. (Wolverine photo from Targett's Twitter page).

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