When you were a college athlete and someone asked “What’s so great about college,” would you answer, “playing sports or being with gay friends?” When you were in the locker room was it easy to ignore homophobic discourse and concentrate on ‘being an athlete’ or did anti-gay remarks upset you? These are sample questions from a new survey by Researcher Truett L. Vaigneur Jr., who is conducting a study of male former collegiate athletes.

He needs experience, and your voice, to be a part of this research. His short questionnaire takes less than 10 minutes. Specifically, he's looking for respondents who fit all three of these criteria. You must be:

When you were a college athlete and someone asked “What’s so great about college,” would you answer, “playing sports or being with gay friends?” When you were in the locker room was it easy to ignore homophobic discourse and concentrate on ‘being an athlete’ or did anti-gay remarks upset you? These are sample questions from a new survey by Researcher Truett L. Vaigneur Jr., who is conducting a study of male former collegiate athletes.

He needs experience, and your voice, to be a part of this research. His short questionnaire takes less than 10 minutes. Specifically, he’s looking for respondents who fit all three of these criteria. You must be:

  • A male 25-45 years old
  • A gay former college athlete (any sport and Divisions I, II, or III)
  • And you must have played college sports for two or more years

If you fit the bill, please do take the 10 minutes to fill out his survey. Thanks!