Players at the NBA’s Rookie Transition Program earlier this week watched a video designed to teach them respect for gay fans and teammates, as well as share tips on how to treat the issue on social media outlets, GLAAD’s Aaron McQuade told Outsports. The video featured McQuade and Athlete Ally founder Hudson Taylor sharing insights with the rookies on homophobia and other LGBT issues. Because of last year’s lockout (and lack of Rookie training), this year’s event featured the rookies from the last two years, so it was double the impact.
This follows the NFL's inclusion of homophobia and gay-sensitivity training several years ago with Esera Tuaolo. It's another great step!
Players at the NBA’s Rookie Transition Program earlier this week watched a video designed to teach them respect for gay fans and teammates, as well as share tips on how to treat the issue on social media outlets, GLAAD’s Aaron McQuade told Outsports. The video featured McQuade and Athlete Ally founder Hudson Taylor sharing insights with the rookies on homophobia and other LGBT issues. Because of last year’s lockout (and lack of Rookie training), this year’s event featured the rookies from the last two years, so it was double the impact.
This follows the NFL's inclusion of homophobia and gay-sensitivity training several years ago with Esera Tuaolo. It's another great step!