“Back on Board: Greg Louganis,” a documentary about the life of the Olympic gold medal diver, is up for consideration as project of the month from the Indiewire website. The winner gets a consultation with the Tribeca Film Institute. You can vote here.
The voting ends Friday and right now the Louganis film by Cheryl Furjanic and Will Sweeney has the lead with 55% of the votes. The filmmakers completed a successful initial round of funding for the documentary on the openly gay Louganis through a Kickstarter campaign that raised $60,000.
“Back on Board: Greg Louganis,” a documentary about the life of the Olympic gold medal diver, is up for consideration as project of the month from the Indiewire website. The winner gets a consultation with the Tribeca Film Institute. You can vote here.
The voting ends Friday and right now the Louganis film by Cheryl Furjanic and Will Sweeney has the lead with 55% of the votes. The filmmakers completed a successful initial round of funding for the documentary on the openly gay Louganis through a Kickstarter campaign that raised $60,000.
When I spoke with Louganis prior to the London Olympics, he was excited about the documentary, saying: “It’s amazing how things have changed in my life just in that one year. We started it with one thing in mind. Then everything changed and changed again and it’s changing still. It’s been fun.”
The London Games provide a great ending for the film. Louganis was an athlete mentor for USA Diving and it's perhaps no coincidence that the team had its best showing in 20 years, winning four medals, including David Boudia's gold in the men's platform.