The story of Jamie Kuntz, the gay North Dakota State College of Science football player kicked off his team after he kissed his boyfriend at a game, has gone national. But until now, Kuntz had not done any video interviews. Amy K. Nelson of SB Nation traveled to Dickinson, N.D., for a compelling series of interviews with Kuntz, his family, the NDSCS athletic director, some players and residents of Wahpeton (where the school is located).

“If I could hear one thing, I would like to hear the school say they were wrong,” Kuntz says in the piece, adding later, “I feel like I’m standing up for all the gays that play sports.”

The story of Jamie Kuntz, the gay North Dakota State College of Science football player kicked off his team after he kissed his boyfriend at a game, has gone national. But until now, Kuntz had not done any video interviews. Amy K. Nelson of SB Nation traveled to Dickinson, N.D., for a compelling series of interviews with Kuntz, his family, the NDSCS athletic director, some players and residents of Wahpeton (where the school is located).

“If I could hear one thing, I would like to hear the school say they were wrong,” Kuntz says in the piece, adding later, “I feel like I’m standing up for all the gays that play sports.”

His family is not bothered by Kuntz being gay, but more by the fact that his boyfriend is 65. The school contends he was kicked off the team for lying to Coach Chuck Parsons, not because he was gay, but Kuntz isn’t buying it.

The 10-minute video is well worth your while. I had not known that Kuntz lost his dad when he was 6, or that one of his supporters is a Wahpeton resident whose gay brother committed suicide.

Jamie Kuntz, Gay College Football Player Kicked Off Team – Full Nelson Exclusive (via SB Nation)