Focus Features’ film ‘Paranorman’ reportedly features a gay jock, and some people don’t like it. Mitch shows his underwear over his pants, wears a tight T-shirt and has a 20″ waist, 24″ biceps and a 60″ chest. He makes Barbie dolls seem fat. Queerty has seen the flick:

The likeable, hunky jock, Mitch (voiced by likeable, hunky Casey Affleck) is only revealed to be gay in the film’s final minutes— When asked out by a girl, he replies: “Sure. You’re gonna love my boyfriend. He’s like a total chick-flick nut”—but its still a nice nod to the LGBT community in a genre that generally eschews any explicit gay representations.

Focus Features’ film ‘Paranorman’ reportedly features a gay jock, and some people don’t like it. Mitch shows his underwear over his pants, wears a tight T-shirt and has a 20″ waist, 24″ biceps and a 60″ chest. He makes Barbie dolls seem fat. Queerty has seen the flick:

The likeable, hunky jock, Mitch (voiced by likeable, hunky Casey Affleck) is only revealed to be gay in the film’s final minutes— When asked out by a girl, he replies: “Sure. You’re gonna love my boyfriend. He’s like a total chick-flick nut”—but its still a nice nod to the LGBT community in a genre that generally eschews any explicit gay representations.

While I haven’t seen the film, which has pulled in about $40 million at the box office, it’s great to see a film targeting young people handle a gay character simply in passing like this.

But other folks aren't happy about it, as they feel it's unnecessary and subversive. Towleroad dug up a couple gems:

It’s a time-honored technique of the gay community to hide the fact that a character is gay until the audience has developed a real affinity for him/her, then catch the audience off-guard by divulging that the character is gay.