It was only symbolic (i.e., Oskam didn't play), but WOW what a powerful symbol! Last week the Vancouver Canucks invited Cory Oskam, a transgender goalie from Britannia Hockey Academy, to share the ice with goalie Cory Schneider. Their same first name isn't a coincidence; Oskam chose the name because of his favorite hockey player — Schneider.
From a report by the Canucks:
It was only symbolic (i.e., Oskam didn’t play), but WOW what a powerful symbol! Last week the Vancouver Canucks invited Cory Oskam, a transgender goalie from Britannia Hockey Academy, to share the ice with goalie Cory Schneider. Their same first name isn’t a coincidence; Oskam chose the name because of his favorite hockey player — Schneider.
From a report by the Canucks:
Taking hormone blockers essentially put the hold button on puberty giving Anneke time to decide what made her happy. After some soul searching, she began taking testosterone roughly a year-and-a-half ago to begin the transition to become male.
Cory hasn’t had any surgeries; he may consider that later on. For right now, he’s happy finally being comfortable in his own skin.
"I went into high school not who I am, but being in grade 10 now I feel very much like part of the high school," said Cory. "I felt like an outsider, now I have a great support system and a great group of friends, which I’ve never had before. Life is great."
The Canucks have been possibly the most LGBT-friendly team in the Big 4 sports leagues. They previously marched in Vancouver's pride parade and lit Rogers Arena purple for Spirit Day. Pretty incredible support of the community by a professional sports team!
Hat tip to Patrick Burke.