(This story was published in 2003).

The delegates of the Federation of Gay Games voted Monday to give Montreal one last chance to accept a licensing agreement to host the 2006 Gay Games.

The delegates, meeting in Chicago, voted 40 to 4 (with two abstentions) to give Montreal 2006 until 1 p.m. Central time Wednesday to accept the agreement. “Failing acceptance, the Federation of Gay Games is to cease negotiating with Montreal 2006 and to set in train a process to select a different host for Gay Games VII,” the Federation said in a release.

Negotiations broke off early Sunday and it appeared Montreal would lose the chance to host the Games. The Federation said it made what it termed last-minute concessions Monday to induce Montreal to sign.

Montreal 2006’s Co-President Mark Tewksbury told Outsports on Sunday that the biggest stumbling block was the level of control he said the Federation wanted once Montreal signed a contract.

One revision to the licensing agreement that might satisfy Montreal would remove the following clause:

“In the event that Montréal 2006 believes that it must make changes to the Revised Plan, or make changes to its budget … Montréal 2006 will notify the FGG, in which case the FGG will review the proposed Revised Plan or Revised Budget within five business days and inform Montréal 2006 in writing whether the changes are approved.”

Another revision would eliminate the requirement that Montreal pay the Federation 50% of any post-Games surplus. None of the past four Games has had a surplus. In return for the right to host and market the Gay Games, Montreal would owe the Federation a $655,000 licensing fee.

Another change, that might best be described as a “Let Bygones Be Bygones Clause” would “offer Montréal 2006 an amnesty in relation to any disputes that have arisen recently, once Montréal 2006 gives the Federation full disclosure of Montréal 2006’s agreements and activities.”

Neither representatives from Montreal nor the Federation could be reached for comment.