The San Francisco Bulls of the East Coast Hockey League, a AA minor league with 23 teams nationwide, has become the first to record a video for the You Can Play Project. The video was released ahead of a Bulls Pride Night this Saturday against the Stockton Thunder.

Proceeds go to You Can Play and San Francisco Pride. Among the events to raise money will be an auction of game-worn Bulls jerseys.

I really liked the video done by Bulls players and coaches. Here they are in order of appearance:

We stand together – Goaltender Taylor Nelson
Shoulder to Shoulder – Forward Hans Benson
With purpose and solidarity – Goaltender Thomas Heemskerk
We are teammates – Froward Sebastian Trudeau
We are friends – Forward Dean Ouellet
We are family – Forward Jordan Clendenning
We play with integrity – Forward Kris Belan
We honor diversity – Forward Scott Langdon
We respect all athletes – Forward Jordan Morrison
If you can train – Athletic Trainer Osama Kassab
If you can coach – President/Head Coach Pat Curcio
It you can play – Asst. Coach Kyle Paige