Bully Ray is no newbie in the pro-wrestling world, having been through several organizations, including the WWE, for almost 20 years. But the last couple of days he has been in damage-control mode after video surfaced of the veteran wrestler calling a fan a "fag" and a "queer" several times. No word if the fan in question is in fact gay.

Ray, who won the TNA heavyweight championship under two weeks ago, claimed he talked to the accosted fan and patched everything up. He posted several tweets aimed at moving past his comments:

TNA president Dixie Carter also Tweeted an apology from the company:

Read more at Huffington Post and Towleroad.

Watch the video of the altercation below (the rant starts at 06:15):

TNA Impact Wrestling – Bully Ray trashes fan after show goes off air (3-14-13) (via MrMEC)