Who kidnapped Outsports and what have you done with them? If you are wondering what happened to a site that has looked pretty much the same since the mid-2000s, it's the end of an era. Outsports has been sold and we now have a new look. We couldn't be more excited.
Outsports has been purchased by Vox Media, which publishes SBNation.com and its 320 fan-focused and team oriented sports blogs along with tech/culture site The Verge and gaming site Polygon. Outsports will now be a part of SB Nation. Cyd and Jim are still running the site and we have editorial control. Vox gives us the technical resources and reach that we were sorely missing being independently owned. This is the first time a mainstream sports media company has purchased a gay-oriented website.
If you are not familar with SB Nation sites, it's known for being a community. Each blog is focused on a particular sports team or sport and Outsports is a great fit. Since we launched in late 1999, our readers have been our No. 1 asset, engaging us, praising us, criticizing us, but never ignoring us. This passion the Outsports audience has was a major selling point for Vox.
While we will continue to produce stories and commentary on the issues of gays in sports, it will come in a nice, new package. We finally have a layout worthy of the current year, not 10 years ago. We invite you to explore the site, poke around and check it out.
Some highlights of the new look:
To the right of our new logo on the front page, you will see dropdown menus (Home, Fanposts, Fanshots, Sections, Library, About).
Fanposts are the new Discussion Board (the old one will stay active for a while so people can save content). This is a traditional post. Write an essay, bitch about a team/player, post photos, embed video. These are designed for when you want to generate a lot of comment/feedback.
Fanshots are kind of like Twitter — quick and simple. Post a link to one photo (which will display on the page), a story you liked, a cool quote, a video you thought was funny or a tweet you favored. People can comment on this but it's designed to be an easy read and displays differently than posts.
Sections houses key areas for readers, like photo galleries, out athletes, coming out stories, homophobia and straight allies.
The Library right now has some contact info for the two of us, but will be filled out as we go along.
About contains some general information about the site and SB Nation and has ways to contact us.
While this new look is awesome, it can always be improved, so we would love if you comment below and tell us what you think — good, bad or indifferent.
We thank all of you who have been loyal readers and we hope you keep coming back for more.
Jim and Cyd