Seattle Seahawks lineman Chris Clemons said last week that if an openly gay player came out this would be "a selfish act" and make the player "bigger than the team." This caused an outcry with some Seahawks fan, yet the organization would not say whether it agreed with Clemons or not. Dominic Holden of the Seattle Stranger did yeoman's work in trying to get the team to comment and you can read about it in detail.

Finally, team spokeswoman Suzanne Lavender said this, according to Holden:

Ms. Lavender replied to my questions (the third time I've asked), saying that "we don't agree with what he said." When I asked by e-mail again if they would welcome an openly gay player on the team, she said unequivocally, "Yes."

This followed a "no comment," which followed unanswered email requests for comment from the reporter. It wasn't a trick question and it's a shame the Seahawks took so long to say the right thing.