The moment Jason Collins told the world he’s gay will go down as an history moment.
When I heard the news, I was in a hotel in San Diego, about to head to the airport on may way to Indianapolis. I got a call from Bruce Silverman, a guy whose radio show I've appeared on several times. Bruce told me he wanted me to be a guest that night to talk about Jason Collins.
"The NBA player from Stanford?" I asked. "Why?"
"You're kidding me, right?" Bruce said. "He just came out."
I screamed several expletives, thanked Bruce for calling, hung up, and uttered a few more expletives knowing I would be on a plane for most of what would unfold as the historic day. I whipped up a quick story and threw it up on Outsports. The next six hours would be spent on a plane and trying to run some radio interviews on a layover in Las Vegas.
Where were you when you first heard? We'd love to hear the stories…