(This story was published in 2005).

The Sofia (Bulgaria) News Agency and 7 Dni Sport are reporting that four soccer players have been expelled from their club in Varna, Bulgaria, for having sex in the team locker room.

Officials with the MAX club discovered the four having sex with one another in the locker room. Coach Georgi Dimov has confirmed the expulsion with 7 Dni Sport, saying that the homosexual players were kicked out for damaging the club’s reputation. According to SNA, MAX is presently trying to woo sponsors and enter professional soccer.

According to The International Lesbian and Gay Association, Bulgaria has some gay anti-discrimination laws. However, according to their World Legal Survey, “The Bulgarian Penal Code prohibits “scandalous homosexuality”, homosexuality in public, and activities which may “lead to perversion” (whatever that is supposed to mean). Violation of these laws can be punished with 1-5 years imprisonment and/or “social disgrace”.”

Early reaction from soccer fans on the SNA Web site range from outrage that gay players would be kicked off of a team to understanding that sex in the workplace, gay or straight, is unacceptable.

The original story can be found at the 7 Dni Sport Web site. Any help translating this story is greatly appreciated, as it’s all Bulgarian to us.

More on this story as it breaks.