Olympic diving legend Greg Louganis announced he is engaged to his boyfriend of a year, paralegal Johnny Chaillot, 52. The two will marry this fall, with the date to be determined. Louganis broke the news to People:

"I finally met my soul mate – the more I fall in love with Johnny, the more I fall in love with myself. This is what the universe had in store for both of us," Louganis, 53, says.

In an interview this spring, Louganis talked to Logo's Backlot about his attraction to Challot:

It's so funny, generally I usually went for opposites. You know, blonde hair blue-eyed and Johnny [Chaillot], when we first got together it was like, ‘We look like brothers.' He has the same skin. The same skin tone, everything. I was like, ‘This feels really narcissistic.' But I also realize the more I fall in love with him the more in love with myself. I always grew up hearing ‘Oh, your soul mate this and that.' And I didn't think it existed. I'm having second thoughts about that.

Louganis won four gold medals over two Olympics and is considered the greatest male diver in history. He acted as a mentor to the U.S. Olympic diving team at the 2012 London Games, the first time he attended an Olympics in 16 years. Not coincidentally, London marked the first gold medal for an American men's diver since 1992 as David Boudia captured the 10-meter platform.