
Hibbert has been fined $75,000 by the NBA for his language after the game. Commissioner David Stern said in a statement:

While Roy has issued an apology, which is no doubt sincere, a fine is necessary to reinforce that such offensive comments will not be tolerated by the NBA.

The price has gone up $25k since Kobe Bryant and Joakim Noah used gay slurs in 2011.


Roy Hibbert has issued this apology, through the Indiana Pacers:

I am apologizing for insensitive remarks made during the postgame press conference after our victory over Miami Saturday night. They were disrespectful and offensive and not a reflection of my personal views. I used a slang term that is not appropriate in any setting, private or public, and the language I used definitely has no place in a public forum, especially over live television. I apologize to those who I have offended, to our fans and to the Pacers' organization. I sincerely have deep regret over my choice of words last night.

Earlier today he tweeted to Jason Collins that he wanted to talk to him. We wonder if he thought an apology to Collins would effectively make this go away, or if he was looking for advice.

We're still interested in seeing what the NBA does with this.

Original story:

Indiana Pacers center Roy Hibbert likely got himself a fine after saying “no homo” in discussing playing against Miami Heat star LeBron James at a press conference after Game 6 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals won by the Pacers.

In discussing how he drew a foul on James, Hibbert said:

"There was Game 3 here that I felt I let Paul (George) down in terms of having his back when LeBron was scoring in the post or getting into the paint because they stretched me out so much – no homo (laughs) – but I want to be there for him."

Interestingly enough, Sports Illustrated reported: "In the league's official transcript of Hibbert's post-game press conference, which was conducted jointly with George and streamed live on NBA.com, the words were replaced by '(Expletive).' "

The NBA will almost certainly fine Hibbert since he used a slur and it comes barely a month after Jason Collins announced publicly he was gay. At the time, the Associated Press quoted Hibbert saying this about Collins:

"I have no problem with openly gay men," Hibbert said. "More power to them. We live in a day in age where people are more accepting as opposed to years ago. [Collins] and his family may have some adversity in the coming days and weeks, but I have no problem with it."

It didn't help Hibbert's cause that the "no homo" comment on Saturday came at the same press conference where Hibbert referred to media members as "motherf—ers."