Nike has released the first images of its #BeTrue Free Run 5.0 shoes in celebration of gay pride and the LGBT community. From

Nike releases the #BETRUE collection in celebration of sport as a universal language. For nearly 15 years, Nike has partnered with the LGBT community.

Profits from the sale of the #BETRUE collection will be donated to the LGBT Sports Coalition to support the goal of ending discrimination in sport.

The LGBT Sports Coalition is a group of organizations and individuals aimed at ending LGBT bias in sports by 2016. Outsports is a member. It's pretty cool to see that Nike is putting the power of its brand behind the projects of the entire movement. Nike will play host to the second LGBT Sports Summit next week in Portland, Ore. You can follow the summit on Twitter next week with #LGBTSportsSummit.

Also available will be special-edition #BeTrue Nike T-shirts. You can read more about these special-edition shoes at We encourage you to find some hot Nike shoes and clothes to purchase and support the LGBT Sports Coalition!