While Jim is in Los Angeles, Cyd reports from Reykjavik, Iceland, where he's cooling off after two long weeks touring Limerick, Paris and London as a site inspector for the Gay Games.
Today we talk about what it means for gay athletes that Jason Collins hasn't been signed in the first three weeks of free agency. What's more important: The fact that's he's gay, or that he's a 12-year veteran who will be the 11th or 12th man on a roster?
Major League Baseball unveiled their new anti-homophobia policy, but both of us were underwhelmed. It's certainly a step in the right direction, but we saw the NFL put forward the same policy a few months ago. It's great news, but the media's foaming at the mouth over it is a little unwarranted.
And while he was in Europe, Cyd missed the naked photos of Aussie rugby player George Burgess. He checks them out for the first time.