A judge in Australia has put the smackdown on a father in a custody battle who referred to the Aussie Rules Football League as "fairy football."

"The father gave evidence in relation to his views on AFL football, which he described as 'fairy football'," Justice Benjamin said.

"His explanation as to the use of that term was unsatisfactory. He clearly knew that it was a homophobic expression and his endeavour to minimise that expression was unsatisfactory."

The commentary by the judge has generated conversation in the AFL about the homophobia in the sport. Jason Akermanis has even weighed in with a change of heart from his public comments several years ago.

In the father's defense, Aussie Rules is possibly the most homoerotic sport. With guys wearing tight shorts and even tighter tanktops, all of them in incredible shape, it's endless eye candy.

Ultimately the judge awarded custody to the father, calling him the "least worst" option the judge had.

Via NewsCorp Australia