Jared Max, the openly gay radio broadcaster who came out publicly two years ago, is leaving ESPN Radio in New York after almost three years with the company.

ESPN spokesperson Josh Krulewitz released this statement:

We thank Jared Max for his contributions to the overall success of 98.7 FM. He was a valued member of our team and we wish him well going forward.

Max said in a statement:

I am sorry that "Maxed Out" will not continue on ESPN New York. I treasure the experiences I had working with and learning from such good men and women — broadcasters, producers and interns.

My ESPN experience elevated and prepared me for the next exciting chapter in my career in a way which I could not have foreseen. In the past two and a half years at ESPN, I achieved seismic growth — professionally and personally.

Conquering fears as a rookie talk show host, I found my critical freedom to speak honestly, and "Maxed Out" become a #1 rated Arbitron radio program in New York City. Plus, I got to anchor SportsCenter updates on "Mike and Mike" for two and a half years as the show built unprecedented, lengthy ratings success.

While I will greatly miss my listeners and friends who regularly called the show, I hope that our relationship will remain intact through my next venture. I have ultimate appreciation for you sharing your early mornings listening to and participating in "Maxed Out".

Great thanks and gratitude to Scott Shapiro, Scott Masteller, Traug Keller and Chris LaPlaca at ESPN. I am a wiser man and better broadcaster because of you. To my friends who I worked with in the trenches before and after dawn, I will see you down the road. And, don't forget Rush: "Changes aren't permanent, but, change is". Thank you, ESPN. I wish you well.

A call to Max was not immediately returned. We'll add more once we've talked with him.

You can find Jared Max on Twitter.