Watch the Google hangout here:

LGBTI Rights in Sports Hangout (Uprising of Love) (via It Gets Better Project)

Join me and a bunch of other amazing folks from the LGBT sports space as we discuss the environment in sports for LGBT athletes. The hangout has been organized by the It Gets Better Project and Google, in conjunction with the Uprising of Love coalition. Panelists joining the discussion include:

  • NBA player Jason Collins
  • Former NFL player Wade Davies
  • WNBA player Layshia Clarendon
  • GO! Athletes executive director Anna Aagenes

This hangout is part of a larger series in preparation for the start of the Winter Olympics in early February. A group of the country's leading LGBTI organizations will host a series of hangouts during an Olympics-inspired LGBTI Rights week. These hangouts will engage the larger community in discussion about the importance of acceptance in sports while also discussing LGBTI rights generally.

In our sports hangout, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions of the panelists about any topic from the environment in the locker room to issues face athletes in Sochi!

So join us Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 3pmET for this exciting Google hangout!
