We've seen more and more of it in recent months – people using out LGBT people in sports like Michael Sam to generate "creative" ways of insulting people. They've ditched "that's so gay" for "that's so #MichaelSam."

The latest example showed up Saturday during the Texas Christian University football game at West Virginia. Earlier this year, TCU assistant athletic director Drew Martin came out publicly and talked about his impending marriage to his longtime boyfriend. That lead to some "crafty" Mountaineers fans to use Martin being gay as a way to insult the entire TCU school with a sign that read:

"Both my dads went to TCU"

Get it? Gay people go to TCU. So TCU is gay. Isn't that hysterical?

If there was any question about the true intent behind the sign, check out the lovely gesture from the Mountaineers Mensa member behind Martin in the photo above.

The message, incidentally, was created with a blank sign from The Home Depot. I wonder how that company feels about this.

Thankfully Martin has been completely embraced by the athletic community at TCU.

By the way, TCU beat West Virginia, 31-30, on a last-second 37-yard field goal. I'm sure these West Virginia fans loved being "topped" by the Horned Frogs of TCU.